viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


The bullying is a great problema only not in the schools, also is a problema in the Jobs, homes, neighborhood, etc.
In my personal expperience I was lived the two face of bullying because when I four years old in the neighborhood, the other boys insulting to me for I always have clean my clothes. But when I ten yeras old I was a bully because I was kicked and hited to two boys in the school and I don't remember why, but I belive that I molested this childs for pleasure

The Bullying isn’t a joke; the Bullying is violence, brutality and sickness.  When I had done Bullying to the two Childs I had feel  a liberation of myself because after to my sisters’ born, my parents do forgot to myself and the bullying was a form of call them attention. But I had create a violent character for this.
I’m not feel happiness to do Bullying because I done making suffer to this boys, but when I had conscience to I doing this childs were done convert in two of my best friends and the problems of the past don’t exist.
Is good for laughing to our self because helping to socialize with our partners. But   you do laugh with me and not of myself.

You don’t bullying because is bad for you, for the partners with problems and for all society.
Destroy the Bullying and playing and fun with your partners and friends

lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

My Chilhood's Memories

If exist a song that I remember and it was mark my childhood is "One", by Metallica. This song was the begun of my metalhead's life; for this song I went for the road of metal. I was six years old when in the radio played this song and inmediately called my attention. The clean guitars was very beuties to my hearing, but when rang the distortion guitars and the guitar solo of Kirk Hammett, I felt a strange sensation... Today, I can't explicate.

My favourites memories of my chilhood are with Mr. Ramon, my Grandfather. He was a person that I loved very much and today, I live in my mind. He was (for me and all family) an example, only not whit person, but whit man. I remember that in my birthdays, before he died, he went to my house and played whit me and I was happy. My more beauty memories are whit my grandfather, and my most sad memorie was when he died.

I remember that I learned ride a bycicle when I was seven years old an my favourite TV serie was Saint Seiya

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Books, only Books

I was learn to read when I have five years old and I was learn alone. Today, I be able to read only the text of study, but when I have free time I read any  books that looks interesting to me. The last book what I was read was "The Hobbit". The book is better than the movie, of course. It is very funny, It is be about the first adventure of a hobbit and hardship that he went  throught in his travel.
But, I prefer read any chileans authors, I am fan of the chilean literature. My favourite author is Hernan Rivera- Lettelier
I was learn how to read when I was  a child, I was read very very books in my life. There are some books what I was like: The Papelucho's Colletion (Marcela Paz), La Tregua (mario Benedetti), The Lord of The Ring: The Two Towers (J. R. R. Tolkien), El Tunel (Ernesto Sabato), Santa maria de las Flores Negras (hernan Rivera- Lettelier) and my favourite book Mi Nombre es Malarosa (Herna Rivera- Lettelier)

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

The Work of Peter Hagget

An important person in the field of Geography is Peter Hagget. This important man was born in January 24th, 1933 in England. An expert geographer and an academic of Urban and Regional Geaography in Geographics Sciense at Bristol University. He is author of thirty books over the geographic practice.
Peter Hagget is famous for working in the investigation of human geografhy and advance in the field of health geograpfhy. He has specialited in the geographic study of epidemiology and the spatial relations, and the infectious epidemics  distributions.
I take my hat off to this geographer and his work because he made important advance in the human geography and health geography. Also he never forgot about Physic Geography and you can see in his book "Geografia Globális Szintézis" where he combines the human geography with the physic geography in a completed work

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Accept: The Power of German Heavy Metal did destroy The Caupolican

Last Friday, Accept, the Teutonic legend of heavy metal visited our country in the previous night of Metal Fest. I had the privilege to be there.
The concert was held at  the Caupolitan theatre and started at  nine o'clock with Dia de Los Muertos in the stage. Before was the Chilean band Pentagram, the pioneers of the Chilean metal... but, I didn't pay any attention to two bands, I went to see to Accept.
Accept took the stage at the ten o'clock and the Caupolican theatre burst into euphoria... with the first fast riff all public started the headbaging, but with the song "Fast as a Shark" was when the mosh pit was raised to the hell. I was not there, into mosh pit, but I enjoyed it very much.
The best part of the concert was when they played "Metal Heart" and “Balls to the Walls". Sincerely, I lost my head and throat over heavy metal band that Friday...

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

My Autobiography

Let me tell you a litle about myself,  my name is Cristian, but my friends call me Gato (it is a long, long history). I study geography at University of Chile.
I was born in August, 11th 1992 in the borrough of Independencia, but all my life I have lived in Buin. I am a heavy metal maniac, I' ve been listening metal music since I was six years old.
I started kindergarden and continued my elementary  at Liceo Moderno Cardenal Caro,Buin. Thoose  were some beutiful years, and them I went to Liceo Jose Victorino  Lastarria high school,  where learned about  solitude. I traveled from Buin to Providencia all days and it was tiring... but I went to participate in the Theather Group my life is returned very funny.
I play the guitar and bass, I am the creator of Bestial Lust band with my best friend Fernando. But when we playing in a concert are Evil Wolf and Carnage. For me the metal music (the good metal music, of course) is my life, is all about for me... is all... Simplify Thrashing or die!