lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Books, only Books

I was learn to read when I have five years old and I was learn alone. Today, I be able to read only the text of study, but when I have free time I read any  books that looks interesting to me. The last book what I was read was "The Hobbit". The book is better than the movie, of course. It is very funny, It is be about the first adventure of a hobbit and hardship that he went  throught in his travel.
But, I prefer read any chileans authors, I am fan of the chilean literature. My favourite author is Hernan Rivera- Lettelier
I was learn how to read when I was  a child, I was read very very books in my life. There are some books what I was like: The Papelucho's Colletion (Marcela Paz), La Tregua (mario Benedetti), The Lord of The Ring: The Two Towers (J. R. R. Tolkien), El Tunel (Ernesto Sabato), Santa maria de las Flores Negras (hernan Rivera- Lettelier) and my favourite book Mi Nombre es Malarosa (Herna Rivera- Lettelier)